At L&R Timber, we take pride in the quality of our products. We provide premium grade pine and hardwood chips to our customers. Our chips contain less than 1/2% bark content, and our standard chip thickness is six millimeters. We can also accommodate our major customers if they need thicker, or a thinner chip.
Our pulpwood is harvested by Pro Logger Certified contractors, which helps ensure that our products are sustainable and are harvested in an environmentally responsible fashion.
In an effort to be as eco-friendly as possible, we strive to utilize 100% of all purchased fiber we process. This includes utilization of our two premium by-products: bark, and pins & fines. We screen all our pins & fines through commercial shaker screens to provide our clients with a consistently-sized product that can be used in a variety of ways.
All of our pine and hardwood bark products are processed with a commercial wood hog with screens to produce consistently-sized material for our clients. We can customize the size of our bark for our major customers to meet their demands.